Receipt Status Subtask

The Receipt Status subtask displays all the expenses associated with an expense report that are missing required receipts.

Screen Fields

This subtask displays on the Purpose tab in Expert mode only.

Field Description
Exp ID

The number hyperlinked in this field is the same number that was assigned when the employee added an expense to the report. Click the number to view the associated expense details.


This field displays the creation date of the expense report.

Category/Expense Type

This field displays the category and expense type of the expense.


This field displays the description that was entered for the expense.


This field displays the amount of the expense.


This field identifies the currency in which the expense was paid.


This field indicates the current status of the receipt, either received or pending.

Received By

This field identifies the individual who received the receipt.

Received Date/Time

This field indicates when the receipt was received.

Reason for Missing Receipt

This field displays the explanation given for the missing receipt.