Input File Format and Error Handling

When importing Active Directory IDs, you must provide an input file that follows the correct format.

The following are general instructions for using this template to create a .CSV or .TXT input file, which you can import to Costpoint using the Import Active Directory ID Preprocessor.

A record in the input file must contain two columns. One column must include the Costpoint ID for the user and the other column must include the Active Directory ID that you want to assign to the user.

Example: TESTID AG0023.Jane.Doe

Table 1. Input File Format
Column No. Costpoint Table/Column Type Data Type Data Length Example
1 USER_ID Costpoint ID Character 20 TESTID
2 LDAP_USER_ID Active Directory ID VarChar 254 AG0023.Jane.Doe
Note: If you plan to create a .CSV file, do not enter commas in any of your data. If you need to separate characters in your records, use the pipe "|" or circonflex "^".

Error Handling

On the Import Active Directory ID screen, the Active Directory Import History subtask displays the status and issues found during the import. This allows you to make adjustments to your input file and/or Costpoint and then execute the import process again. If you need to make corrections to a file after running the import process on the Import Active Directory ID screen, you will have to perform one of the following:
  • Rename the input file after making corrections, then upload the corrected file.
  • Go to Admin > System Administration > File Management > File Download and delete the input file, make corrections to your original input file, and then upload the corrected file.