Expense Report Tasks Subtask

Use the Expense Report Tasks subtask to view and add tasks that must be performed on an expense report for the expense report type.

Expense Report Tasks Table

This table displays the tasks, such as create or approve, that must be performed on an expense report for this expense report type. The information that displays in the table is derived from the field information you enter when you click either the New or Edit button, located above the table.

Field Description
Task Type

Use this field to select the expense report task that should be performed. Choose from the following tasks:

  • Approve — Select this to add an approval task.
  • Review — Select this to add a review task.
  • Attach — Select this to add an attachment task.
  • Record — Select this to add a record task.

"Sign Expense Report" is automatically added to all expense report types and is given a task order number of "0."

This field displays in the Tasks table after you click Save.


Use this field to determine whether the task should be performed at the overall expense report level, at the charge level, or whether it is for an attachment task.

The options available vary by Task Type:

  • Overall- This option is available from the Level drop-down list if the Task Type is Approveor Review.
  • Charge- This option is available from the Level drop-down list if the Task Type is Approve.
  • Attachment- This option is available from the Level drop-down list if the Task Type is Approve, Attach, or Record.

Use this field to select the order in which this task should be completed. You can use the same order number on different tasks.

This field displays in the Tasks table after you click Save.

When the Record is selected in Task Type, the Orderfield display "Anytime" is uneditable.


Click to select the type of attachment that must be attached for this task. The lookup list displays the attachment types you created in the Attachments section of the Configuration > Configure General Settings screen.

Initial Priority

Use the drop-down to select the priority that should be given to the task. Valid values are Low, Medium, and High.

Start Date

Click to select a start date for this expense report task.

End Date

Click to select an end date for this expense report task.

Retain Completed Tasks on Revision

This field is only enabled when the Task Type is Attach. When you select this check box, the task must be redone if the expense report is revised. Leave the check box clear if you do not want to enforce this requirement.


Field Description
Primary Role

Click to select the role that is primarily responsible for performing this task. This lookup list displays all roles set up on the Manage Functional Roles screen that have authority over employees, or employees and charges, and have the rights to view expense reports.

Note: This field displays in the Tasks table after you click Save.
Backup Role

Click to select the role that has backup responsibility for performing this task. This lookup list displays all roles set up in the Manage Functional Roles screen that have authority over employees, or employees and charges, and have the rights to view expense reports.

This field displays in the Tasks table after you click Save.

User Directed Tasks

Select this check box to enable employees submitting expense reports to choose which supervisors or other users are notified that the expense report approval task is due.

Include Backup Role in User Directed Task List

Include Backup Role in User Directed Task List is available for selection only when you select the User Directed Tasks check box directly above it.

When you select the Include Backup Role in User Directed Task List, the names of those managers, supervisors, and administrators authorized to fulfill the backup role for expense report approval tasks appear in a list from which the employee can choose.

Any user selected by the employee receives an expense report approval task.

This list also includes those managers, supervisors, and administrators authorized to fulfill the primary role for expense report approvals.

Business Rules

Field Description

This field enables you to establish whether the task is required or optional. Select either Required or Optional from the drop-down list.


From the drop-down select one of the following options:

  • None
  • Error
  • Warning


Field Description
Greater Than

Enter the minimum amount for the Expense, the Over Ceiling, and the Unallowable portions of the expense required to perform the task.

Note: The minimum amount cannot be greater than 99999.9999.

Enter all amounts in the system's base currency. The number of characters to the right of the decimal is determined by the base currency selected.

Less Than

Enter the maximum amount for the Expense, the Over Ceiling, and the Unallowable portions of the expense required to perform the task.

Note: The maximum amount cannot be greater than 99999.9999.

Enter all amounts in the system's base currency. The number of characters to the right of the decimal is determined by the base currency selected.

Example #1: If you want a role to approve all expenses, no matter the amount, and no matter the breakout of the expense, enter 0.00 for the Minimum Approval Amount and 99999.9999 in the Maximum Approval Amount for Expense, Over Ceiling, and Unallowable.

Example #2: If you want a role to approve only those expenses that are over 1,000.00, enter 1000.00 in the Minimum Approval Amount and 99999.9999 in the Maximum Approval Amount for Expense. Set the Minimum and Maximum Approval Amounts  for Over Ceiling and Unallowable to zero.


Use the Escalation section to enter the number of days, hours, and minutes that can pass after the end date before the task is upgraded to a low, medium, or high priority.

Field Description

Use the up and down arrows to set the number of days that can pass after the due date before the task is upgraded to a low, medium, or high priority.


Use the up and down arrows to set the number of hours that can pass after the due date before the task is upgraded to a low, medium, or high priority.


Use the up and down arrows to set the number of minutes that can pass after the due date before the task is upgraded to a low, medium, or high priority.


Select the check box if you want to notify the individual responsible for the task when it is overdue. Whether the individual receives an e-mail or an alert is determined by the setting of the Notificationcheck box on the Manage Expense Classes screen.