Error Messages of the Create Microframe Transfer Files Screen

Some error messages may display when you use the Create Microframe Transfer Files screen.

Screen Error Messages

The following messages may display on the screen.

  • An error has occurred while reading the *** table. Processing has stopped.
  • This message indicates that an error occurred while trying to access the database. Please note what was being processed when the error occurred and call Costpoint Technical Support.
  • Cannot open the output file.
  • The application could not open the output file specified. This could indicate that the file specified already exists and the current user does not have rights to overwrite it, or the current user does not have rights to write to the directory specified.
  • Mapping code does not exist in the Microframe Mapping table.
  • The Mapping Code entered does not exist in the Mapping Code table. Use Lookup to view a list of valid mapping codes.
  • No numeric values have been selected to transfer. You must transfer at least one of them. The choices are hours, dollars, burden and fee.
  • You must transfer at least one of the following to Microframe: hours, dollars, burden, and fee. Please select one of the checkboxes in the Microframe Transfer screen.
  • No records were found in the Microframe Data table.
  • You selected the Print button on the toolbar, but there are no records in the Microframe Data table. Use the Process/Print Errors button to populate the table.
  • Output file already exists. Do you want to replace the existing file?
  • The output file specified already exists. Select Yes if you want to delete the existing file and create a new one, or select No and enter a different file name.
  • Output file and report file name cannot be identical.
  • The file names specified for the output file and for the report output (as specified in the Print Setup options) are identical. You must select a different file name for one of these.
  • Parameters on the screen do not match those used to create the output file. If you elect to continue, the parameters used to create the output file will appear on the report. Do you want to continue?
  • The screen selections do not match the selections used to create the Microframe Data table and the output file. If you continue, the selections from the table, rather than the selections on the screen, will be printed on the report.
  • The database is unable to process the records required for the requested activity. Possible reasons are: another user is using a record you wish to update, database error or hardware malfunction.
  • This is a generic error. Please make a note of what you were doing and what process was displayed on the screen, and call Costpoint Technical Support.

Report Error Messages

The following errors may appear on the report.

  • No mapping found for the listed Costpoint Value.
  • The value in the CP Value column on the Microframe Resource Mappings screen was not found for the mapping code selected on the Export Microframe Data screen. You should either set up a mapping for this value or enter corrections to move or reverse the charges. If the CP Value column is blank and the source of the record is JE, this indicates that a journal entry was made to a project, but no vendor and no employee data were entered with it.