Work Center Maintenance Subtask

Use the Work Center Maintenance subtask to view the type of maintenance, as well as the maintenance schedule, for a selected work center.


Field Description

This field displays the part ID associated with the selected operation.


This field displays the revision of the part.

Routing Number

This field displays the routing number for the selected part.

Operation Sequence

This field displays the operation sequence number of the line being viewed.


This field displays the step number of the operation sequence line being viewed.

Alternate Operation

This field displays the alternate number of the operation sequence line being viewed.


This field displays the operation ID of the line being viewed.

Work Center

This field displays the work center ID of the operation sequence line being viewed.

Table Window

Field Description
Maintenance Type

This field displays the maintenance type code for the maintenance to be performed at the work center.

Maintenance Description

This field displays the description for the maintenance type selected.

Maintenance Class

This field displays the maintenance class type which are Repair, Preventive, or Calibration.

Frequency (Days)

This field displays the number of days this maintenance should be performed on the work center.

Frequency (Units)

This field displays the frequency, in units, with which this maintenance should be performed on the work center.

Hours Required

This field displays the hours required to perform this maintenance on the work center.

Last Performed (Date)

This field displays the date on which the maintenance was last performed.

Last Performed (Units)

This field displays the number of units expended (for example, operation hours) when the maintenance was last performed.


This field displays notes pertaining to the work center maintenance.

Next Maint Due (Date)

This field displays the next date on which maintenance is due to be performed on the work center.

Next Maint Due (Units)

This field displays the number of units that will be expended when maintenance is next performed.