View Vendor History Inquiry

Use this screen to view summary, detail address, voucher, and payment information for all your vendors. This screen is blank when you enter it.

  • To see information for a single vendor, enter the vendor's ID or click in the Vendor ID field, then click .
  • To see information for all vendors, leave the header fields blank and click .

If you change a vendor's name on the Manage Vendor screen, note that the Vendor History Inquiry uses the name that the vendor had when posted.

Use this screen whenever you need to view information for vendors that were created on the Manage Vendors screen. Vendors with no voucher, check, or address information still display in the table window.

Note: You can apply organization security to the Vouchers subtask. Use this optional feature to grant or remove rights to view and/or update specific organizations to users. To do so, you must first set up the necessary organization security screens. For more information about organization security and how to apply it, see Organizational Security.

Screen Contents

This screen has the following elements:

  • Use the Selection Criteria block to specify the records to be included.
  • Use the table window to review vendor data.
  • Use the subtasks, listed at the end of this topic, to drill down to more detailed information, including specific accounts payable and/or purchase order vouchers, vendor labor and voucher notes, payment totals broken down by check number, and vendor contacts.