Screen Customizations Subtask

Use this subtask to view the current customizations applied to a UI profile.


Field Description
Customization Type

This field displays the customization types currently applied to this UI profile. The customization types are:

  • TOOLBAR: This type indicates that there are screen customizations applied to the toolbar.
  • LOOKUP: This type indicates that there are screen customizations applied to the lookup tables.
  • APPLICATION: This type indicates that there are screen customizations applied to an application.
Customization Description

This field displays a brief description of the Customization Type.

When the Customization Type field displays TOOLBAR, this field displays one of the following descriptions:

  • Data Entry: This description indicates that one or more data entry tools are customized.
  • Inquiry: This description indicates that one or more inquiry tools are customized.
  • Process: This description indicates that one or more process tools are customized.
  • Report: This description indicates that one or more report tools are customized.

    When the Customization Type field displays LOOKUP, this field displays the customized Lookup RS ID and Lookup Column ID, separated by a tilde (~) (for example, ITEMREV_LKP~ITEM).

    When the Customization Type field displays APPLICATION, this field displays the customized application screen represented by the application ID and application name, separated by a colon (:) (for example, APMVCHR: Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers).