Manage Offline Data

The Manage Offline Data window is an advanced option for maintaining your offline data. You do not need to use this window to prepare specific records for Offline mode.

This window also allows you to select and prepare records for offline use; however, the Manage Offline Data window provides more visibility than the Make Available Offline option. It shows what data is available offline so that you can manage it. For example, you might want to remove sensitive data that is stored offline or you might need to clear old records to make space for new records.

Field Description
Show Online Records Select this option to view a list of records that are currently online. You can select the records you want to make available for offline access from this list.
Show Offline Records Select this option to view a list of records that are available offline. You can select the records you want to remove from your device from this list.
Records This column displays the primary key value or unique identifier of a record. For example, a record from the Manage Users screen will show the Record ID since it is the primary key for the screen.
Offline Status This column indicates the amount of data available offline for a record as Full record or Partial:
  • Full record: All application data for this record is available offline.
    Note: When you use the Make Available Offline option to prepare a specific record for offline access, Costpoint stores the full record of application data.
  • Partial: Only the application data you accessed online for this record is available offline.
    Note: This record shows as Partial because you did not use Make Available Offline to prepare the full record for offline access. This record has offline data because you viewed it in an application that was prepared for offline access. Costpoint automatically stores data for records you view in these applications, and the partial information stored is based on the subtasks you visit. To see full data, use the Make Available Offline option for the online record.
Query Click Query to define and apply search, sort, and filter criteria for the Records list.
Make Available Offline Select the check boxes for online records and click Make Available Offline to prepare the records for offline access.
Remove from Offline Select the check boxes for offline records and click Remove from Offline to clear the records from your device and make space for more records.