Rate Calculations

Time & Expense applies a formula to determine how to cost the hours on an employee's timesheet line. The formula and certain amounts used are determined by the pay type on the timesheet line.

On the Manage UDT10S screen, you select among calculation options for each pay type. You can set up different calculations for User-Defined Rate 1 and User-Defined Rate 2.

  • Calc Method — This is the formula used to calculate the cost or billing amount. Options are:
    • (Hours x Rate x Factor) + Fixed Amount
    • (Hours x Rate x Factor) + (Hours x Fixed Amount)
    • (Hours x Rate x Factor) + (Hours x Fixed Amount x Factor)
  • Factor — This value is a multiplier. For example, hourly overtime may have a factor of 1.5 and double time may have a factor of 2.
  • Fixed Amount — This value is used in the calculation. Depending on the formula, this amount is added in, multiplied by hours, or multiplied by hours and a factor.

Fringe and Fringe Reduction Amounts

For User-Defined Rate 1, if the timesheet line is charged to a UDT that has an applicable wage schedule, the calculation will also include any fringe and fringe reduction amounts included in that schedule. The formula used is:

(hours x fringe rate) (hours x fringe reduction rate)