Print Workflow Status Report

Use this report to print the status of workflow cases.

Print this report to check the status or review the history of particular workflow cases. The report prints workflow case information including the starting and ending date of workflow cases. It lists activities that are in inboxes, have been started, and/or have been completed. For each activity, it prints the date on which the activity was added to the inboxes, the date and user that started the activity (if started), and the date and user that completed the activity (if completed).

You can print this report for a selection of workflows, subsystems, and cases. You can print all activities, only the required activities, or only the optional activities. You can print all workflows, only in-progress workflows, or only completed workflows. You can sort the report by workflow or subsystem.

The Workflow Status Report provides a snapshot of the current status of workflow cases. Print this report after you have initiated a workflow case. For workflows that are in progress, this report provides an up-to-date listing of the activities that are currently being worked on, as well as the activities that have been completed. For completed workflow cases, this report provides a historical account of the workflow activities.

You may want to print this report before running the Purge Workflow Data screen. You cannot print this report for workflow cases after you purge the related data.