Sample Voice Commands

This section contains sample voice commands that you can use to converse with Hey Deltek!

General Commands

The following commands work on both the Timesheet and Manage Leads and Contacts screens.

Actions Voice Command Examples
Initiate voice interaction.

"Hey Deltek!"

This command also works from the navigation menu when no application is already open.

Open an application.

"Open Timesheet" or "Open Manage Leads and Contacts."

This command works from the navigation menu and opens either screen if no other application is already open.

Obtain a list of available voice commands. "Help."
End voice entry.

"Stop voice."

The voice icon will be disabled, but the red dot for active listening will still be enabled.

To inactivate both the voice icon and active listening, go to the Configure System Settings screen and select the Disable Hey Deltek! check box.

Close the application and log out of Costpoint.


If there are no unsaved changes, the system will say goodbye, close the application, and log you out of Costpoint.

If there are unsaved records, the system will ask if you would like to save the changes now.

Commands for Manage Leads and Contacts

You can use these commands on the Manage Leads and Contacts screen. In most commands, you will need to specify the name of the lead after mentioning the task. If you are having issues with the system recognizing the name, you also have the option to spell out the name.

Actions Voice Command Examples
Call a lead. "Call Ron Brown."
Email a lead. "Email Ron Brown."
Update the qualified stage for a lead.

"Update the qualified stage for Ron Brown."

Hey Deltek! will then ask you what stage you would like to change the current stage to.

Or you can say:

"Update the qualified stage for Ron Brown to <stage>." For example, "Update the qualified stage for Ron Brown to Qualified."

Save the record. "Save" or "Save and continue."
Find business affiliations for a lead. "Are there any business affiliations for Ron Brown?"
Find a lead's phone number. "Find phone number for Ron Brown."

Add notes for a lead.

(if the lead record is currently not displayed on the screen or its row is not highlighted in the table window)

"Add Notes for Ron Brown."

Hey Deltek! will then ask you to dictate the notes.

Add notes.

(if the lead record displays on the screen or its row is highlighted in the table window)

"Add Notes."

Hey Deltek! will then ask you to dictate the notes.

Commands for Timesheet

In most voice commands for the Timesheet screen, you specify dates, charges, and numbers of hours you want to record. You can also create and add new charges and new timesheet periods.

Actions Voice Command Examples
Open specific timesheet date. "Open the timesheet for November 14."
Open a previous timesheet. "Open the previous timesheet."
Add hours to an existing charge for the current day. "Add 10 hours for Administration Labor for today."
Add hours on a specified date. " Add Three Hours for Administration Labor for June 6."
Add hours to an existing charge for a specific date. "Add four hours for the PowerShot XL Project on December 3."
Add hours to a specific timesheet line. "Put 3 hours for Monday on Line 5."
Add revision explanation. "Set revision explanation to be ..." (All words after "..." are captured and included in the timesheet record.)
Save timesheet.


"Save Timesheet."

Sign timesheet.


"Sign Timesheet."