Customers/Contacts Tab

Use this tab to link one or more customers or contacts to the contract.

You can manually enter contact types on this tab. You can also click the Load All Contact Types button to have Costpoint populate the table window with the contact types available in the system.

Note that you can add new contacts only for valid Customer/Address Code combinations. For existing contact information, you cannot edit any contact data.

Only active customers are allowed on this subtask.

Click New to begin adding customers/contacts.


Field Description
Load All Contact Types

Click this button to automatically populate the table window with the following contact types:

  • Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO)
  • Acquisition Customer
  • Billing Customer
  • Contract Representative
  • Contract Officer
  • Contracting Officers Technical Representative
  • Procurement Officer (PCO)
  • Primary Customer

You can then fill in the other fields for the contact type(s) that you want to link to the contract.

Contact Type Description Enter, or click to select, the type of the contact that you want to link to the contract.
Customer Enter, or click to select, the customer that you want to link to the contract.
Address Code Enter, or click to select, the address code for the customer.
Point of Contact Select an existing valid contact ID of the contact that you want to link to the contract, or enter a new contact ID to add a new contact to the Customer/Address Code combination.
Point of Contact First Name For existing records, the first name of the contact defaults in this field. For new records, enter the first name of the contact that you want to link to the contract.
Point of Contact Last Name For existing records, the last name of the contact defaults in this field. For new records, enter the last name of the contact that you want to link to the contract.
Title For existing records, the title of the contact defaults in this field. For new records, enter the title of the contact that you want to link to the contract.
Phone Number For existing records, the phone number of the contact defaults in this field. For new records, enter the phone number of the contact that you want to link to the contract.
Fax Number For existing records, the fax number of the contact defaults in this field. For new records, enter the fax number of the contact that you want to link to the contract.
Email Address For existing records, the email address of the contact defaults in this field. For new records, enter the email address of the contact that you want to link to the contract.