Charge Trees

Use the Charge Tree screen to set up and maintain charges for your system, including updating authorizations for a charge, adding new charges, or updating and deleting existing charges.

Use the upper table to expand the charge tree hierarchy. Select the + button to the left of the charge tree row to drill down to the next level of the charge tree. For a given charge tree and branch, the tree is fully expanded when you reach the code level and the +button does not display.

Fields in the table are non-editable. To add, edit, or delete a charge information at any level, select the row in the table and then click the appropriate subtask.

A graphical representation of the charge tree displays at the top of the screen. Each level above the current level displays as a hyperlink in the graphical charge tree. Select any of these links to display the information at that level or to quickly return to an upper level of the tree.