Transfer Labor or Other Billable Costs

You can use the Adjust Open Billing Detail Records screen to transfer labor or other billable costs (not units) in Open Billing Detail, from one project, account, organization, GLC (General Labor Code), or PLC (Project Labor Code) to another.

To transfer labor or other billable costs:

  1. On the Adjust Open Billing Detail Records screen, highlight a row to transfer.
  2. Right-click the row and select the Transfer function.

    T displays in the Action column.

    When you transfer a row, the Transaction Amount column populates the Adjustment Amount column, and the Transaction Hours column (if applicable) populates the Adjustment Hours column. You can edit the Adjustment Amount and the Adjustment Hours columns.

  3. Enter information for the recipient project in the Adjustment Project, Adjustment Account, Adjustment Organization, Adjustment GLC, and Adjustment PLC fields.
  4. Enter transfer details in the Reason column.
  5. After printing the proposed transfer, click to transfer the selected items.

    Note that the Adjustment Account column is populated with any account from the project account group when the selected row is to be transferred.

    This process inserts a record for the transferring project equal to the negative Adjustment Amount in the Open Billing Detail table. It inserts a positive record into the Open Billing Detail table for the project to which costs are being transferred. This happens whether a journal entry is created or not. The journal entry updates only the general ledger.