Corporate Planner To Costpoint Interface Overview

Use this application to upload General Ledger budget data from Corporate Planner into Deltek Costpoint. You can also use it to upload budgets from any comma-delimited file containing the required information. The interface uses two processing functions to transfer data:

  • In the Process step, the data exported from Corporate Planner is parsed and validated, and the valid data is collected and stored in an intermediate/working table.
  • In the Import step, the application moves the valid data from the staging area to the Costpoint ORG_ACCT_BUD table. 
Note: Use this document to help you enter, process, and transfer information from Corporate Planner to Costpoint. Please check with your Costpoint consultant before running this process.

Transferring data from Corporate Planner to Costpoint involves four steps:

  1. Select the input file(s) containing the budget data to be imported into Costpoint. If the budget data is in multiple files, all files must have the same format.
  2. Select the fiscal year and revision ID into which you want to import, and enter column information from the input file. The fiscal year and budget revision ID must have been previously created on the Manage Budget Revisions screen.
  3. Use the Process feature to insert Corporate Planner error and valid data into intermediate tables in Costpoint.
  4. Use the Import feature to move valid data from the intermediate table (X_CPLAN_CPOINT) to the Costpoint main table (ORG_ACCT_BUD).
  • If you do not select the Partial Upload check box, the budget data is completely replaced with the data exported from Corporate Planner for the selected revision ID and fiscal year (Full Load). 
  • If you select the Partial Upload checkbox, only the rows whose ORG_ID and ACCT_ID match those in the input files are replaced in the Costpoint main table for the selected revision ID and fiscal year (Partial Load). 
Note: The interface is unidirectional. Data is transferred only from Corporate Planner to Costpoint.

Each row in the input file(s) must contain an Acct ID, an Org ID, and a budget amount for each period in the fiscal year being processed.