Reverse Posted Vouchers

Use this screen to reverse vouchers that you have posted but have not paid. Use it anytime that you need to reverse posted vouchers before printing checks.

If you cannot post vouchers that were created on the Reverse Posted Vouchers screen, none of the newly created vouchers were approved. When you reverse vouchers, you must select the Approved Vouchers check box. You need to select and approve the vouchers on the Approve Vouchers screen before attempting to post.

Screen Contents

This screen has four blocks and a subtask:

  • Use the Identification block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously-saved parameter ID.
  • Use the Selection Ranges block to select vouchers to reverse.
  • Use the Generate block to select the current fiscal year of the vouchers you want to restore and to select the new fiscal year, period, and subperiod to which you want to restore the vouchers.
  • Use the Options block to enter the starting voucher number that you want to reverse, to specify if you want to mark reversing vouchers as approved, and process valid vouchers, even if some selected vouchers are invalid.
  • Use the Voucher Number Non-Contiguous Ranges subtask to create a customized, non-contiguous list of voucher numbers.