Selecting RFQs from Proposals
To select RFQs from proposals:
- Run the Compute Proposal Item Costs application for the proposal ID.
In the
Proposal field, enter or click
to select, a proposal record (make sure a valid Ship ID has been saved on the Request for Quote Defaults tab of the Manage Proposals screen for the selected proposal ID). This populates the Select Items table window with items linked to the proposal. If you have already created any RFQ selection rows for this proposal, but have not yet turned them into RFQs, they are displayed in the bottom window.
- When you have populated the Proposal field, the Select Items table window, and the Select Vendors table window, you can start selecting items from the Select Items table window. Click on a row to select it. Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple items.
- Next, in the Select Vendors table window, select the vendors for which you would like to generate RFQs for the selected parts. Again, hold down the CTRL key to select multiple vendors.
Click the
Select button to assign part/vendor combination lines and move them to the RFQ Line Selections table window. The Create Request for Quotes for Proposals application uses the information in this table window to generate the RFQ header and line rows. An RFQ line appears for each part/vendor assignment. For example, if you select parts A and B in the Select Items table window, and vendors 1, 2, and 3 in the Select Vendors table window, the
RFQ Line Selections table window reflects that vendors 1, 2, and 3 are assigned to both parts A and B, for a total of six lines.
To remove a row from the RFQ Line Selections table window, click the box at the left side of the row and then click the Delete button. (Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple item/vendor rows before using the Delete button.)
Save the record for processing.
You can also create RFQs on the Manage Request for Quotes By Item and Manage Request for Quotes By Vendor screens.
Parent Topic: Select Request for Quotes from Proposals