Manage Workflow Cases

Use this screen to track individual cases, determine their status, and change case values.

You can initiate a case and have the first activities routed to the appropriate users' electronic workflow inboxes (and email, if available).

Use on the toolbar to locate specific cases to check their status or change their case values.

If you want to initiate a case, enter the name of an active workflow in the Workflow field. When you initiate the case, your workflow enters an in-progress state. When a workflow is in progress, activities and messages are routed to users, and users are able to start and complete activities.

Whether you have located an existing case through or initiating a case, the only fields that you are able to edit are Workflow and Value, as well as the Case Notes group box. If you are initiating a case, enter workflow case labels in the Case subtask of the Manage Workflow Models screen prior to entry into this screen.

When you have completed your entries, click on the toolbar to update or initiate a case. During the save process, activities are routed to user inboxes (and email, if available) if you are initiating a case.

You must set up the following screen screens before using this screen:

  • Manage Workflow Case Labels
  • Manage Workflow Role Filters
  • Manage Workflow Roles
  • Manage Workflow Models