Manage Asset Master Global Changes

Use this screen to view/perform global data changes on all user-editable fields in Asset Master records other than user-defined fields. You can also use this screen to manually edit non user-defined fields on an asset-by-asset basis.

You can globally (or non-globally) change asset template data for user-defined fields by using the Manage Asset Master User-Defined Global Changes screen.

You can edit non user-defined fields in individual asset records in appropriate asset maintenance screens. Your decision to make changes in the global screens is a matter of personal preference and depends on the number of records to be changed and the efficiency with which the changes can be made.

Regardless of the screen(s) in which you make changes, the system can capture change data, store it in history, and make it available for you to view and print. The system can capture the asset/item record identifier, the name of each changed field, the old data from before the change, the new data after the change, information on the user who performed the change, and the date and time of the change.

Warning: In order for the system to capture change details, you must first select the desired fields/columns in the Asset/Template Field/Column Names subtask of the Configure Asset/Template Change Settings screen before you make changes to Asset Master non user-defined data on this screen.

Each check box that you select in the Asset/Template Field/Column Names subtask of the Configure Asset/Template Change Settings screen signifies that you want to capture data for that field for an Asset Master record each time you make a change to that data, regardless of the screen in which the change was made.

Note: Because of the potentially large number of Asset Master records in your database, the system will not automatically populate this table window screen with data for all your Asset Master records.

You will need to use Query to select all records or the subset of Asset Master records for which one or more changes are desired. Because almost all fields on the Manage Asset Master Information screen are available as selection criteria, you can define a very specific subset of Asset Master records for which you wish to make changes.

The system will change the appropriate fields in this child table window and in your Asset Master records. The system will also write the change details to an audit table (ASSET_AUDIT_LOG) based on your selections on the Configure Asset/Template Change Settings screen.

Once the change details have been captured, use the View Asset Change History screen to view change data stored in the Asset Audit Log. Use the Print Asset/Template Change History Report screen to print change data stored in the Asset Audit Log.

You cannot edit some columns in this table window. The same situation also exists in the Asset Master record itself, in which there are corresponding non-editable fields. Non-editable columns are displayed because they may be useful when you select data to be changed.

The data rules for each column regarding validations and your ability to edit are identical to those for each corresponding field in an Asset Master record.

You cannot use this screen to add new Asset Master records or delete Asset Master records that have no posted activity. However, you can add optional data, change existing data, or delete existing data on this screen just as you can in an Asset Master record.

The optional Asset Template feature, by which you can set up and import "standard" default data for property that shares common characteristics, is not operational on this screen.

On this screen, unlike maintenance table windows throughout Costpoint, the line functions in the menu bar (New Record, Copy Record, Delete Record, and Undelete) are disabled.

The "normal" Asset Master data rules and validations are used; note that changes to a column on this screen may also require data entry in another column on this screen. For example, let us assume an asset has been assigned a non-depreciable status. Although you can change the Depreciation/Lease Status column from Non-Depreciable to Depreciable on this screen, you must also enter data in the Depr Method Code, Accum Depr Acct Code, and Depr Exp Acct Alloc Code columns before the change to the Depreciation/Lease Status column on this screen can be saved.

Asset Master records must already be in place before you can perform global changes on this screen.

Warning: Although there are no system restrictions on when you can make changes on this screen, use extreme caution in regard to the types of data changed and the timing of your changes, in order to prevent unexpected results.