Part Line Layout (PRT)

The Part table stores additional information that is necessary for maintaining P (Part) item types.

The Item Type for each new ITEM line in the (ITM) record must be P (Part) to process new Part (PRT) line records, or a matching part that exists in Costpoint.

The data from the PRT file updates the PART table in Costpoint. The Part (PRT) layout is not required and is not compatible with Item Types that are Services (S) or Goods (G).

The information stored for each field can be viewed or updated on the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

For Oracle databases, the item layout described in ITM is required for inserting new items, including parts, goods, and services. If a line's Item Type is P (Part) for a new ITEM, you must have matching PRT and IUM  line records to populate the ITEM and PART tables in Costpoint. If you do not enter a PRT line record in the input file, the program creates one using the values in the ITM line record, and uses it to populate the PART table in Costpoint. You can also use the PRT line record to modify existing parts in Costpoint. If you use the PT2 record format for part setup and maintenance, it contains all information required to populate the required tables for a part.

Note: The application uses default values for INSERTS ONLY if the input file field value was left blank. The exception is the MODIFIED_BY column, which is updated using the default value if no value is provided.
Input File Field Costpoint Column Column Type and Max Length Starting/Ending Position Required Values, Defaults, and Notes
Line Type Character 3 1 -3 Yes PRT is used to indicate PART information.
Part ID PART_ID Character 50 4 - 33 Yes If a Part ID/Part Revision ID exists, the PART table is updated. If you did not select the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, only the Part ID is checked to see if it exists.

The fixed length file format accepts 30 characters while delimited file format accepts up to 50 characters.

Part Revision ID PART_RVSN_ ID Character 10 34 - 36 No If an Part ID/Part Revision ID exists, the PART table is updated. If you did not select the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, only the Part ID is checked to see if it exists. The default is a space.

The fixed length file format accepts 3 characters while delimited file format accepts up to 10 characters.

ABC Classification Code *ABC_ CLASSIF_CD Character 1 37 No If a value is provided, it must exist in the ABC Classification table. The default value is null. If the Separate Items by Company check box is selected in the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, this field's value must exist for your company ID.
Always Quote Flag *ALWAYS_QT_ FL Character 1 38 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
BOM Assembly Last Changed User ID *ASY_CHNG_ USER_ID Character 12 39 - 50 No The default value is null. Always ignore this field on the input file. If this is a new part, set to null; otherwise, do not modify the column.
BOM Assembly Added Timestamp *ASY_ENTR_ DTT Timestamp (maximum input file length - 19) 51 - 69 No The default is null. The input file format is (year-month-day-hour.minute.second (maximum 19 characters, including separators)). Always ignore this field on the input file. If this is a new part, set to null; otherwise, do not modify the column.
BOM Assembly Added User ID *ASY_ENTR_ USER_ID Character 12 70 - 81 No The default value is null. Always ignore this field on the input file. If this is a new part, set to null; otherwise, do not modify the column.
BOM Assembly Last Changed Timestamp *ASY_LAST_ CHNG_DTT Timestamp  (maximum input file length - 19) 82 - 100 No The default is null. The input file format is (year-month-day-hour.minute.second (maximum 19 characters, including separators)). Always ignore this field on the input file. If this is a new part, set to null; otherwise, do not modify the column.
BOM Assembly Low Level Code Update Flag *ASY_LLCD_ UPDATE_FL Character 1 101 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N. Always ignore this field on the input file. If this is a new part, set to N; otherwise, do not modify the column.
Assembly Notes *ASY_NOTES Character 254 102 - 355 No The default is a space. Always ignore this field on the input file. If this is a new part, set to a space; otherwise, do not modify the column.
As Required Flag *AS_REQD_ FL Character 1 356 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
Backflush Flag *BKFLSH_FL Character 1 357 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
BOM Exists Flag *BOM_EXIST_ FL Character 1 358 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N. Always ignore this field on the input file. If this is a new part, set to N; otherwise, do not modify the column.
Commercial and Government Entity ID *CAGE_ID_ FLD Character 6 359 - 364 No The default is retrieved from the Company CAGE Code field on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen (ITEM_ SETTINGS table) if the Make/Buy Code input file field is M. Otherwise, use a space.
Certificate of Conformance Flag *CERT_OF_ CNFRM_FL Character 1 365 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is retrieved from theCertificate of Conformance Requiredcheck box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen (ITEM_SETTINGS table).
Common Stock Flag *COMMON_ STK_FL Character 1 366 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
Count Frequency *COUNT_ FREQ_NO Integer (maximum input file length - 3) 367 - 369 No The default is0. The maximum value is 999. No decimals are allowed.
Count Tolerance Percentage Rate *COUNT_TOL_ PCT_RT Decimal 10.8 (maximum input file length - 4) 370 - 373 No The default is0. The input file format is 9.99 (maximum four characters including the decimal point). The maximum value is 1.00, which indicates 100%.
Default Comp Lead Time Offset Days *DFLT_LT_ OFFSET_NO Integer  (maximum input file length - 4) 374 - 377 No The default is 0. The maximum value is 9999. No embedded decimals or commas are allowed.
Default Warehouse ID *DFLT_WHSE_ ID Character 8 378 - 385 No If provided, the value must exist in the Warehouses table, and you must provide a Default Inventory Location. Both warehouses and inventory locations are maintained in the Inventory Controls menu. The default is null. If the Separate Items by Company check box is selected on the Corporate Settingsblock of the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, this field's value must exist for your company ID.
Default Inventory Location *DFLT_INVT_ LOC_ID Character 15 386 - 400 No If a Default Inventory Location is provided, a Default Warehouse ID must be provided. Default inventory locations are assigned to warehouse IDs on the Manage Locations screen in the Inventory Controls menu. The default is null.
Floor Stock Flag *FLOOR_ STOCK_FL Character 1 401 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
Inventory Flag *INVT_FL Character 1 402 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
Last Alternate Part Sequence *LAST_ALT_ SEQ_NO Integer 2 (maximum input file length - 4) 403 - 406 No The default is 0. The maximum value is 9999. No embedded decimals or commas are allowed. Always ignore this field on the input file. If this is a new part, set to 0; otherwise, do not modify the column.
Last Assigned Lot ID *LAST_LOT_ ID Character 20 407 - 426 No The default is null.
Last Serial ID *LAST_ SERIAL_ID Character 20 427 - 446 No The default is null.
Lot Required Flag *LOT_REQD_ FL Character 1 447 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
BOM Low Level Code *LOW_LVL_ CD_NO Integer  (Maximum input file length - 4) 448 - 451 No If there is no value in the input file, the default is 0. The maximum value is 9999. No embedded decimals or commas are allowed.

Always ignore this field on the input file. If this is a new part, set to 0; otherwise, do not modify the column.

Military Specification ID *MIL_SPEC_ ID Character 20 452 - 471 No The default is a space.
Minimum Lot Size Quantity *MIN_LOT_ SIZE_QTY Decimal 14.4 (Maximum input file length - 11) 472 - 482 No. Required if the Order Policy Type is R

If the Order Policy Type is M, you must supply either the Minimum Lot Size Quantity or the Multiple Lot Size Quantity.

If there is no value in the input file, the  default is 0 if the Order Policy Type is P (Period). The value must be greater than zero if the Order Policy Type is R (Reorder Point) or M (Min/Mult Lot Size).

If it is M, either the Minimum Lot Size Quantity or the Multiple Lot Size Quantity must be greater than zero. The input file format is 999999.9999 (maximum 11 characters including decimal point). No embedded commas are allowed.

The value cannot be greater than zero if the Order Policy Type is D (Discrete Lot Size), P (Period), or O (Order to Point).

Multiple Lot Size Quantity *MULT_LOT_ SIZE_QTY Decimal 14.4 (Maximum input file length - 11) 483 - 493 No. If the Order Policy Typeis M, you must supply either theMinimum Lot Size Quantityor the Multiple Lot Size Quantity. If there is no value in the input file, the  default is 0 if the Order Policy Type is P (Period). The value must be greater than zero if the Order Policy Type is M (Min/Mult Lot Size). If it is M, either the Minimum Lot Size Quantity or the Multiple Lot Size Quantity must be greater than zero. The input file format is 999999.9999 (maximum 11 characters including decimal point). No embedded commas are allowed.

The value cannot be greater than zero if the Order Policy Type is R (Reorder Point), P (Period), D (Discrete Lot Size), or O (Order to Point).

National Stock Number *NSN_ID Character 20 494 - 513 No If there is no value in the input file, the  default is space.
Period Order Days *PD_ORD_ DAYS_NO Integer (maximum input file length - 4) 514 - 517 No. Required if the Order Policy Type is P. If there is no value in the input file, the default is 0. The maximum value is 9999. No embedded decimals or commas are allowed.

The value can be greater than zero only if the Order Policy Type is P (Period).

Planner ID *PLANNER_ ID Character 12 518 - 529 No If there is no value in the input file, the default is a space. This must exist for the user's company ID.
Quality Control Required Flag *QC_REQD_ FL Character 1 530 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is retrieved from the Certificate of Conformance Required check box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen (ITEM_SETTINGS table).
Scrap Factor Percentage Rate *SCRAP_ FACT_PCT_ RT Decimal 10.8 (maximum input file length - 4) 531 - 534 No If there is no value in the input file, the default is 0. The input file format is 9.99 (maximum four characters including

the decimal point). The maximum value is 1.00, which indicates 100%.

Serial Number Required Flag *SERIAL_ REQD_FL Character 1 535 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
Shelf Life in Days *SHELF_LIFE_ DAYS_NO Integer  (maximum input file length - 4) 536 - 539 No If there is no value in the input file, the default is 0. The maximum value is 9999. No embedded decimals or commas are allowed.
Source Inspection Flag *SRCE_INSP_ FL Character 1 540 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is retrieved from the Source Inspection Required check box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen (ITEM_SETTINGS table).
Status Change Date *STATUS_ CHNG_DT Date (maximum input file length - 10) 541 - 550 No The value must be valid date format YYYY-MM-DD. The default is the system date.
Assembly Release Status *S_ASY_REL_ CD Character 1 551 No The value must be R (Released), P (Partially Released), U (Unreleased), or N (Not Applicable). The default is N. Always ignore this field on the input file. If this is a new part, set to N; otherwise, do not modify the column.
BOM Change Code *S_BOM_ CHNG_CD Character 1 552 No The value must be M (Manual), E (ECN), S (Mass Change), C (Copy BOM), or N (No Change).  The default is N. Always ignore this field on the input file. If this is a new part, set to N; otherwise, do not modify the column.
Effectivity Type *S_EFFECT_ TYPE Character 1 553 No The value must be a space (none), D (Date), or S (Serial).  The default is a space.
Make or Buy Code *S_MAKE_ BUY_CD Character 1 554 No The value must be B (Buy) or M (Make). The default is B.
Order Policy Type *S_ORD_ POLICY_ TYPE Character 1 555 No The value must be D (Discrete Lot Size), M (Min/Mult Lot Size), O (Order To Point), P (Period), or R (Reorder Point). The default is D, or the Default Order Policy from the Configure Product Definition Settings screen (ITEM_SETTINGS. S_ORD_POLICY_TYPE).
Part Type *S_PART_ TYPE Character 1 556 No The value must be B (Buy With Components), P (Phantom), R (Reference), S (Standard), T (Tool), or L (MPS Planning Only). The default is S.
Planning Type *S_PLAN_ TYPE Character 1 557 No The value must be N (None), P (MRP), R (Reorder), or S (MPS).  The default is P.
Status Type *S_STATUS_ TYPE Character 1 558 No Value must be E (Estimating), O (Obsolete), P (Pre-Release), R (Release), or S (Phase-Out).  The default is R.
Weight *WEIGHT_NO Decimal (14,4) 559 - 573 No If there is no value in the input file, the default is 0. The maximum value is 9999999999.9999. Embedded commas are not allowed.
Manufacturing BOM Yield Percentage Rate *YIELD_PCT_ RT Decimal 10.8 (maximum input file length - 4) 574 - 579 No If there is no value in the input file, the default 1 to indicate 100%.  The input file format is 9.99 (maximum four characters including the decimal point).  The maximum value is 1.00, which indicates 100%.
User ID last modified by *MODIFIED_ BY Character 18 580 - 597 No If this value is not provided, the MODIFIED_BY column is updated using the current user ID as the default.
Maximum Lot Size Quantity *MAX_LOT_ SIZE_QTY Decimal 14.4 (Maximum input file length - 11) 598 - 608 No The default is 0. This must not be less than zero. If not, set to 0.
Sales Order Configuration Lot Required *SO_CFG_LOT_ REQD_FL Character 1 609 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
Sales Order Configuration Serial Required *SO_CFG_SER_ REQD_FL Character 1 610 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
Common Stock Inventory Abbreviation *CS_INVT_ ABBRV_CD Character 20 611 - 616 No If the input file's Common Stock Flag is Y, set to value in Default Common Stock Inv Abbrev field on the Configure Production Control Settings screen. Must be a valid Inventory Abbreviation code (from the Manage Inventory Projects screen).
Note: For fixed input file, only six (6) characters are allowed, but for delimited input file, 20 characters are allowed.
Last Change Notice *LST_CHNG_ NOTICE_ID Character 15 617 - 631 No
MPS Time Fence - Days *MPS_FENCE_NO Integer 2 (maximum input file length - 4) 632 - 635 No Defaults to zero. Number cannot be negative.
Sales Order Time Fence - Days *SO_FENCE_NO Integer 2 (maximum input file length - 4) 636 - 639 No Defaults to zero. Number cannot be negative.
Cumulative Lead Time Days *CUM_LT_DAYS_NO Integer 2 (maximum input file length - 4) 640 - 643 No Defaults to zero. Number cannot be negative.
Substitute Part Planning Order PART.S_PLAN_ORDER_CD Character 3 644 No. Required if the MRP Settings Use Part Plan check box is selected. Values must be OP (Original Part Across Projects), OS  (Original/Substitute Part in Project Demand), SP (Substitute Part Across Projects), SO (Substitute /Original Part in Project Demand).
Subcontractor Charge Type TC_WA_FL Character 1 No Valid values are I, E, and N. If there is no value indicated in the input file (for new records), this defaults to N.
Shelf Life Type PART.S_SHELF_LIFE_TYPE Character 1 No Default is NULL. Values allowed are None = null, Extendable = E, Non-extendable = N
Allow Use Past Expiration Date PART.ALLOW_PAST_EXP_FL Character 1 No Default is N. Values allowed are N = UNCHECKED and Y for CHECKED
Planning Days Past Expiration Date (Days) PART.PAST_EXP_DAYS_NO Integer 5 No Default 0. Maximum value is 9999. No embedded decimals or commas are allowed.
Number of Days of Recertification PART.EVAL_PD_DAYS_NO Integer 5 No Default 0. Maximum value is 9999. No embedded decimals or commas are allowed.
No. of Extensions Allowed PART.EXT_ALLOWED_NO Integer 5 No Default 0. Maximum value is 9999. No embedded decimals or commas are allowed.

* Indicates columns that may be updated when changing an existing record with this preprocessor.

Order Policy Type Summary

The table below lists the actions, values, and field requirements for each Order Policy Type. The fields in the Order Policy group box on the Planning Details subtask of the Manage Parts screen are active and display all applicable Order Policy data for the part based on the Order Policy Type.

The Costpoint column names for the fields listed in the table are as follows (for Parts only):

  • Max: Maximum Lot Size Quantity (MAX_LOT_SIZE_QTY)
  • Minimum: Minimum Lot Size Quantity (MIN_LOT_SIZE_QTY).
  • Multiple: Multiple Lot Size Quantity (MULT_LOT_SIZE_QTY)
  • Period Order Days (PD_ORD_DAYS_NO)
Order Policy Type Active Field(s) Must be greater than zero (0) Cannot be greater than zero (0)
Discrete Lot Size (D) Max (Max must be greater than or equal to zero) Period Order Days
Min/Mult Lot Size (M) Minimum Minimum or Multiple Period Order Days
Max (Max must be greater than or equal to zero)
Order To Point (O) Max (Max must be greater than or equal to zero) Period Order Days
The Order To Quantity (ORDER_TO_QTY in the PPJ record) must be greater than zero. Minimum
Period (P) Max (Max must be greater than or equal to zero) Minimum**
Period Order Days Period Order Days Multiple**
Reorder Point (R) Max (Max must be greater than or equal to zero) Multiple
Minimum* Minimum* Period Order Days

* The Minimum field displays as Reorder (that is, the Reorder Point Quantity) in the Planning Details subtask of the Manage Parts screen. The Reorder Point Quantity (REORD_PT_QTY in the PPJ file) must be greater than zero if the Order Policy Type is R.

** The default is zero (0).