Approval Roles

Use this screen to enter the roles and associated users for your approval workflows.

Role represents the qualification of the participants who perform specific approval steps or activities. Only roles that exist on this screen can be assigned to execute the approval steps.

Note: It is important that users associated with the roles are correctly set up in Manage Users with a valid email address and an employee ID. These users must be configured to receive messages through email so they get notified once activities are routed to them.

There are two types of approval roles:

  • Regular: This is a group of users or user groups. You can enter or modify a regular role on this screen and assign users and/or user groups to it.
  • Built-In: This is a pre-defined role and cannot be modified or deleted. The built-in roles are Project Manager, Employee Manager, and Buyer. You cannot add users to a built-in role.

When you have completed your entries, click to update the table.

Because the role designation is necessary to determine where to route activities and messages, you must set up roles on this screen as one of the first steps in designing approval workflows and before adding data to the Approval Workflow Models screen. Although you can add to, delete, or change the information on this screen at any time, use caution in timing your edits because they could affect the execution of pending and future approval workflow cases.