Attachments Subtask

Use the Attachments subtask to configure requirements for adding different types of attachments to expense authorizations, expense reports, or individual expenses within expense reports.



Field Description

This field is used to identify the attachment type (for example, receipt or quote). You can enter alphanumeric characters.


This field is where you enter an alphanumeric description of the attachment type. The description can also be set by language.

Attached To

From the Attached To drop-down, select whether the attachment type is for Expense Authorizations or Expense Reports.


From the Level drop-down, select either Overall or Individual Expense to indicate whether the attachment should be applied to the expense report or expense authorization overall or to individual expenses.

The following two options are available when Individual Expense is selected from the Level drop-down list. Use these options to determine whether the coversheet will print by attachment type or by expense:

  • Print Coversheet by Attachment Type — Select this option to print coversheet based on the attachment type. For example, if the Attachment Type is “Receipt,” one coversheet will print for that attachment type, and it will include each expense assigned to that attachment type that is selected to be printed. This option generates a single coversheet, but the coversheet may include multiple expenses.
  • Print Coversheet by Expense — Select this option to print a coversheet for each single expense. In this case, a different coversheet prints for each expense/attachment type combination. This option may generate multiple coversheets, because a coversheet is generated for each expense.
Status This field displays the current status of the attachment.
Start Date

This field is required. Click to select a start date for the attachment type. This allows you to define when this attachment applies based on date range.

End Date

This field is optional. Click to select an end date for the attachment type. This allows you to define when this attachment applies based on date range.