Table Information for the Close Periods Screen

Costpoint records entries in the Posting Semaphore table during the close process and also updates the Posting Sequence Number table to indicate that the period is closed. The journal code for a period closing is CPD.

Closing the accounting period sets the status of the period to Closed in the Accounting Periods table. The statuses of all subperiods and journals associated with the period are automatically changed to Not Available, which disables data entry for that accounting period.

If you use Costpoint Inventory, the Close Periods process checks the Inventory Transaction Status table for unposted inventory transactions. This table contains one record for each fiscal year/period/subperiod combination with unposted transactions. Because Costpoint does not need to retrieve a large number of records, processing time is quicker.

If you use Costpoint Payroll, the closing process deletes timesheets that have been posted for both Labor Distribution and Payroll if the timesheets are for the period being closed or for any fiscal year and period prior to that period. If you do not use Costpoint Payroll, the process deletes timesheets from the Timesheet table if they have been posted to Labor Distribution, regardless of fiscal year and period for which they were entered.