Contents of the Manage Cycle Count Schedules Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Cycle Count Schedules screen.


Field Description
Cycle Count Schedule ID Enter a unique identification for the cycle count schedule ID.
Description Enter a description for the cycle count schedule.
Schedule Start Date Enter, or click to select, the starting date for the cycle count schedule.
Schedule End Date Enter, or click to select, the ending date for the cycle count schedule.
Warehouse Enter, or click to select, the warehouse for this cycle count schedule. You have to create a separate schedule for each warehouse, since cycle count generation is by warehouse. Multiple schedules for the same warehouse with overlapping start/end dates are not allowed.
Calendar Select the type of calendar for this cycle count schedule. This indicates whether the cycle count schedule is based on the Standard or Shop Floor calendar, which determines the number of days within the year, and creating the schedule dates for counting each part.
Count Interval (days) Enter the number of days for how often a count should be conducted. For example, 1 day (daily), 7 days (weekly).

Count Frequency (per Schedule) by Classification

Use this group box to indicate the frequency a part should be counted within the specified schedule period.

Field Description
A, B, C, D, E Enter the number of times each class of part is to be counted within the schedule period. You have to select at least one of the classifications.
Autoload Click this button to populate the schedule date lines. This runs the calculations that populate the schedule lines based on the header criteria. This is disabled if at least one schedule date row exists in the Schedule Lines child table window.

Schedule Lines

Field Description
Schedule Date

Enter, or click to select, the date when this part should be counted. This displays the calendar based on the calendar type selected.

Note: If a part will not be counted for a certain date, you need to delete the part row.
Part This field displays the ID of the part on the schedule line.
Rev This field displays the revision of the part on the schedule line.
Description This field displays the description of the part on the schedule line.
ABC Class This field displays the ABC classification of the Part or Part/Warehouse of the part on the schedule line.
Schedule Sequence This field displays the sequence when the same part is counted multiple times within the same schedule. This is calculated by the process.
Count Created This check box indicates that the cycle count has been created off of a schedule line. This is updated by the Create Physical Counts screen.