Manage Workflow Role Filters

Use this screen to set up filters that limit the number of users who receive activities and messages in their electronic workflow inboxes (and e-mail, if available). n.

You can enter the filter, a particular value for the filter, and users related to the filter and filter value in this scree

If you plan to use filtering throughout a workflow, entering the filter data in this screen is one of the first steps in designing workflows.

In order to use a filter, you must apply it to a role. In the Manage Workflow Roles screen, use the Filter field to associate a role with a filter entered in this screen. Without filtering, a workflow activity or message is sent to the electronic workflow inboxes (and e-mail, if available) of all the individuals associated with a particular role. However, if you apply a filter to a role, only the individuals associated with the workflow's case value will be sent the activities or messages.

For example, you might set up a filter where the Filter field is Location, the Value field is Northwest, the User ID field is SmithJ, and the User Name field is John Smith. In the Manage Workflow Roles screen you apply this filter to the Account Manager role. This role has two users associated with it: Sue Jones and John Smith. If an activity that has the Account Manager role is ready to be routed and the workflow case Location label has a value of Northwest, the activity will be routed only to John Smith. If the role had no filter, both Sue Jones and John Smith will receive the activity in their inboxes.

When you have completed your entries, click on the toolbar to update the table.

Note: If you plan to filter roles, set up filters in this screen as one of the first steps in designing workflows. Although you can add to, delete, or change the information in this screen at any time, use caution in the timing of your edits because they may affect records sent to individuals' electronic workflow inboxes.