Contents of the Convert Provisional Parts to Standard Parts Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Convert Provisional Parts to Standard Parts screen.


Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options, if there are any, are also included in the saved parameter ID. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Field Description
Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made on the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made on the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display on the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Selection Ranges

After you make your selections in this group box, you must click Autoload to populate the table window before you can process any data.

Field Description
Select By

From the drop-down list, select the method by which provisional parts are selected for conversion. Valid options are:

  • Prov Part: Select this option to autoload a provisional part or range of provisional parts as indicated in the End and/or Start fields.
  • Proposal: Select this option to autoload a provisional part or range of provisional parts that exist in a proposal or range of proposals (as indicated in the End and/or Start fields). After you click Autoload, the application checks for provisional parts within each proposal/revision. These parts may exist as end items of the proposal or components within a proposal bill of material for an end-item. The resulting provisional part data appears in the table window. A particular provisional part/revision combination is listed only once, regardless of the number of instances in which it appears in the proposal or proposal range.
  • EBOM: Select this option to autoload a provisional part or range of provisional parts that exist in an Engineering Bills of Material (EBOM) assembly. If you select this option, you can enter only one assembly/revision; multiple EBOM options are not available. The Option field defaults to One, and only the Start and unlabeled Assembly Part Rev fields are enabled. Click to select an unreleased EBOM assembly, or use the Lookup Type field to select a provisional part that exists as an unreleased EBOM assembly. After you populate the Start field and click Autoload, the application checks for provisional parts that may exist at the top-level assembly itself or as components within the EBOM of the top-level assembly. The resulting provisional part data appears in the table window. A particular provisional part/revision combination is listed only once, regardless of the number of instances in which it appears in the EBOM (and applicable lower-levels). The EBOM explosion must be performed for all lower-levels. Configurations and effective dates are ignored.
Note: Provisional parts selected via a particular Select By criterion do not affect that criterion only. For example, a provisional part selected by Proposal can also be used in an EBOM. Converting the provisional part affects all instances of that provisional part, including those that occur in other proposals and EBOMs.

From the drop-down list, select a range of provisional parts or proposal IDs to be processed. The system-defined selections in this drop-down list include All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End. The default for this field is All.


Enter, or click to select, the beginning provisional part, proposal ID, or EBOM that you would like to process.

You can also enter, or click to select, the revision number of the provisional part, proposal ID, or EBOM, if applicable, in the unlabeled field immediately to the right of the Start field.

The Start field and the unlabeled field are enabled only if you select One, Range, or To End in the Option drop-down list. These fields are disabled if you selected All in the Option drop-down list.


Enter, or click to select, the ending provisional part or proposal ID that you would like to process.

You can also enter, or click to select, the revision number of the provisional part or proposal ID, if applicable, in the unlabeled field immediately to the right of the End field.

The End field and the unlabeled field are enabled only if you select Range or From Beginning in the Option drop-down list. These fields are disabled if you selected EBOM in the Select By drop-down list, and if you selected All in the Option drop-down list.

Lookup Type

From the drop-down list, select the part type that will be looked up. Valid options are Standard and Prov Parts.

Table Window

After you click Autoload, this table window loads with all applicable rows of provisional part data (based on the items in the Selection Ranges group box) as it appears for the provisional part in the Manage Provisional Parts screen. The Standard Part fields default with the same key information that displays in the Provisional Part fields. You can modify the following defaulted standard part fields after the conversion is finished: Convert Prov to Std, Std Part, Std Part Rev, Std Part Desc, Std Part Type, Std Part Make/Buy, Std Part Commodity, and Std Part Industry Class.

Field Description
Prov Part

This column displays the provisional part ID from the Manage Provisional Parts screen.

Prov Rev

This column displays the provisional part revision (if applicable), from the Manage Provisional Parts screen.

Prov Part Desc

This column displays the provisional part description from the Manage Provisional Parts screen.

Prov Part Type

This column defaults from the selection made in the Part Type drop-down list on the Manage Provisional Parts screen. The following options may appear in this field:

  • S: Standard
  • B: Buy with Components
  • P: Phantom
  • R: Reference
  • T: Tool
Prov Part Make/Buy

This column displays M if the provisional part is a make-type part or B if the provisional part is a buy-type part.

Provisional Part Prov Part Type

This column displays the provisional part type code assigned to this part. Provisional part types are entered on the Manage Provisional Part Types screen. They are assigned to the part in the Manage Provisional Parts screen.

Prov Part Commodity

This column displays the provisional part commodity code assigned to this part. Commodity Codes are established on the Manage Commodity Codes screen and assigned to the part in the Manage Provisional Parts screen.

Prov Part Industry Class

This column displays the provisional part industry classification code assigned to this part. Industry classifications must first be established on the Manage Industry Classifications screen or in the Purchasing Codes menu of Purchasing. They are assigned to the part on the Manage Provisional Parts screen.

Prov Part NAICS Code

This column displays the NAICS code assigned to this part. NAICS codes must first be established on the Manage NAICS Codes screen.

Convert Prov to Std

This check box is selected to indicate that the row has been selected for the conversion process. Clear this check box to deselect this row from being converted, and the part on that row remains a provisional part.

Std Part

Enter the part ID of the standard part to which the provisional part is converted. The new standard part has a Released part status.

Std Part Rev

Enter the revision ID of the standard part to which the provisional part is converted. The new standard part has a Released part status.

Std Part Desc

Enter the description of the new standard part.

Std Part Type

Use the drop-down list to select the part type for the new standard part. The system-defined selections are:

  • B (Buy with Components): Select this option if the part and its components must be ordered.
  • P (Phantom): Select this option if the part is transient (nonstocked and non-ordered).
  • R (Reference): If you select this option, the part is shown on certain reports and pick lists for reference purposes only, but there are no required planned orders.
  • S (Standard): This is the default. Select this option if the part is used in inventory and in the planning process.
  • T (Tool): Select this option if the part is consumed or used in the production process but is not direct material.
Std Part Make/Buy

Enter M if the new standard part is a make-type part, or B if the part is a buy-type part. Modifying this value does not affect existing instances of this code in proposals, PBOMs, and EBOMs where the provisional part is currently used; each instance must be modified manually.

Std Part Commodity

Enter, or click to select, the commodity code for the new standard part. Commodity codes are established on the Manage Commodity Codes screen.

Std Part Industry Class

Enter, or click to select, the industry classification code for the new standard part. Industry classification codes are established on the Manage Industry Classifications screen.

Std Part NAICS Code

Enter, or click to select, the NAICS code for the new standard part. NAICS codes are established on the Manage NAICS Codes screen.


Click the drop-down arrow to the right of and make one of the following selections:

  • Convert Provisional Parts to Standard Parts: Select this option to convert provisional parts to standard parts.
  • Convert and Print Provisional Parts: Select this option to convert provisional parts to standard parts and print a report.


Subtask Description
Quotes Click this link to view the Quotes subtask. This subtask displays the quotes for which the selected provisional part is a quote line item.
EBOM Comp Click this link to view EBOM Components for which the provisional part is the assembly.
EBOM Assy Click this link to view EBOM Assemblies Where-Used where the provisional part exists as a component.
Proposal Click this link to view Proposals involving the provisional part.
RFQs Click this link to view RFQs involving the provisional part.