Manage Cash Flow Account Types

Use this screen to edit existing account types for cash flow accounts or to create new ones.

You link cash flow account types to statement of cash flows rows on the Manage Financial Statements screen. The cash flow account types determine whether Costpoint treats transactions as a source or as a use of cash. You can also use this screen to set up the source and use descriptions. Each line on the statement of cash flows must have a unique cash flows account type.

Before you use this screen, you should determine which cash flow accounts you want to include on the statement of cash flows.

When you set up a cash flow account type, you assign a calculation method to it. The available calculation methods are system-defined. For example, you could assign the CHNG (Difference in Beginning and Ending Balance) to the AR (Accounts Receivable) account type. The CHNG method calculates the change that occurred in the account balance from one period to another.

There are system-supplied codes to identify sources and uses of cash, but you may need to add your own codes for any unique transactions that affect cash. The NA (Not Applicable) account type code is for financial statement lines that do not require analysis for cash flow purposes.

Warning: Preparation of the statement of cash flows requires advanced accounting knowledge and should not be attempted by anyone who is unfamiliar with the financial reporting process.

Review the account types on this screen before you begin work on your statement of cash flows. Adjust or add account types based on the types of transactions that your company makes.