Additional Information About the Import PO Vouchers Screen

Use this section to view supplementary information for the Import Purchase Order Vouchers screen.


If you selected the Separate Items by Company check box on the Corporate Settings block of the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, Costpoint filters field validations by the user's company ID. The company ID of the user executing the process triggers the validation of all company tables. When you save a new purchase order voucher record in Costpoint, it is automatically assigned the user's company ID and search parameters. All company-related tables and lookup-related valid values (or search parameters in Find or Query) are validated using the user's company ID. Uploads can be processed for only one company at a time (the user's company).

  • Account Entry Rules (ACCT_ENTRY_RULES)
  • Account Group Setup (ACCT_GRP_SETUP)
  • Billing Labor Category (BILL_LAB_CAT)
  • Default Accounts Payable Accounts (DFLT_AP_ACCTS)
  • Default Cash Accounts (DFLT_CASH_ACCTS)
  • Employee (EMPL)
  • General Labor Category (GLC) (GENL_LAB_CAT)
  • Inventory Abbreviation Code (INVT_ABBRV_CD)
  • Line Charge Type (LN_CHG_TYPE)
  • Organization (ORG)
  • Purchase Order Header (PO_HDR)
  • Project (PROJ)
  • Project Billing Info (PROJ_BILL_INFO)
  • Receiving Settings (RECV_SETTINGS)
  • Reference Structure (REF_STRUC)
  • Reason Code (RSN_CD)
  • Sales Tax (SALES_TAX)
  • Voucher Approval User (VCHR_APPRVR_USER)
  • Voucher Header (VCHR_HDR)
  • Voucher Settings (VCHR_SETTINGS)
  • Vendor (VEND)
  • Vendor Address (VEND_ADDR)
  • Vendor Employee (VEND_EMPL)
  • Vendor Settings (VEND_SETTINGS)
  • Warehouse (WHSE)


When you use multicurrency data, all amount fields in the input file are listed in the transactional currency (which may or may not be the same as the functional currency). When processing, Costpoint calculates the corresponding value in terms of the functional currency using exchange rate information from the associated purchase order (such as Transaction Currency, Rate Group, and Rate Date), and Costpoint calculates subsequent, corresponding amounts for the related functional currency fields in accordance with the exchange rate information in other tables. Data is stored in both currencies in Costpoint.

If exchange rate information does not exist, Costpoint assumes that the transactional and functional currencies are the same (1:1). All currency-related columns are still populated with default values, Costpoint exchange rate is 1, and amount columns therefore have the same values for transactional and functional currencies.

Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)

For Great Britain only: The application updates columns requiring CIS data, including Voucher Header CIS Code (VCHR_HDR. CIS_CD), Voucher Line CIS Withholding Flag (VCHR_LN. CIS_WH_FL), and Voucher Line CIS Reporting Flag (VCHR_LN. CIS_RPT_FL). If the voucher header has a CIS code, Costpoint performs a validation to ensure that the transaction and pay currency codes are both in Great British Pounds (GBP).

Files Necessary to Run PO Vouchers Preprocessor

The following custom files and stored procedures files must be accessible to run the Import Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

PATCH 994 (5.0 only) Description
CSTPOINT.EXE Costpoint executable
AOPPOVCH.EXE Purchase Order Vouchers preprocessor application executable
AOPPOVCH.QRP Purchase Order Vouchers preprocessor report file
AOPPOVCH.MSS Microsoft SQLServer stored procedures for the Purchase Order Vouchers preprocessor
AOPPOVCH.ORA Oracle stored procedures for the Purchase Order Vouchers preprocessor

Costpoint Data Setup

After you copy the new files and execute the script file (see installation instructions), perform the following setup actions before running the application for the first time.

  1. Establish default values on the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen.
  2. Make sure that the patches have been applied to the database.
  3. Make sure the AOPPOVCH.ORA (Oracle) or AOPPOVCH.MSS (Microsoft SQLServer) stored procedures are applied to the database.