Post Intercompany Receivables

Use the Post Intercompany Receivables screen to generate the Intercompany Journal Entries report, which lists Intercompany Receivable journal entries, and to post those entries to the general ledger.

The Intercompany Receivable tables provide detailed support by Intercompany Receivable number for the transactions underlying the Intercompany Receivable journal entries.

Because you should generate and retain a list of the Intercompany Receivable journal entries as part of the system audit trail, you cannot post Intercompany Receivable journal entries without first printing the Intercompany Journal Entries report. You can, however, print the Intercompany Journal Entries report without posting, so you can review it and make corrections. When you are ready to post, you must first print the Intercompany Journal Entries report during the same session. The posting selection criteria must match the criteria you used to print the Intercompany Journal Entries report. If, after you print the report, you close the Post Intercompany Receivables screen or change your selections, you must reprint the report before you can post.

If any of the Intercompany Receivable journal entries on the Intercompany Journal Entries report involves reference numbers, Costpoint also generates an Intercompany Receivables Entries Reference Summary report for each of the reference numbers used (Reference 1 and/or Reference 2).

You can print the Intercompany Journal Entries report and post Intercompany Receivable journal entries to the general ledger any number of times during the accounting period, but you must always print the report and post them at the end of each accounting period, unless no entries were created. You should create and post Intercompany Receivable journal entries before printing any financial statements grouped by organization.