Contents of the View Serial/Lot Information Screen
Use the fields and options to configure the View Serial/Lot Information screen.
Field | Description |
Part |
Enter, or click
Rev |
Enter, or click
U/M |
This field displays the inventory unit of measure for the selected part/revision. |
Serial Number |
Enter, or click
Lot Number |
Enter, or click
Shelf Life Cutoff Date |
Enter, or click
Manufacturer/Vendor Information
Field | Description |
Vendor |
Enter, or click
Part |
Enter, or click
Rev |
Enter, or click
Manufacturer |
Enter, or click
Part |
Enter, or click
Rev |
Enter, or click
Serial Number |
Enter the external (manufacturer/vendor) serial number of the tracked part. |
Lot Number |
Enter the external (manufacturer/vendor) lot number of the tracked part. |
Serial/Lot Information
Serial/lot line information is displayed in this table. To inquire at a more detailed level, select the line for which you want additional information, and then click the appropriate subtask to expand the inquiry accordingly.
Field | Description |
Rev |
This column displays the revision number of the part. This field is hidden if you entered a part Rev number in the header section. |
Serial Number |
This column displays the serial number. This field is hidden if you entered a serial number in the header section. |
Lot Number |
This column displays the lot number. This field is hidden if you entered a lot number in the header section. |
Quantity |
This field displays the total quantity involved in the transaction from which the tracked part originated. |
Vendor Warranty Expiration Date |
This column displays the date on which the vendor's warranty expires for the tracked part. |
Shelf Life Expiration Date |
This column displays the shelf life expiration date of the tracked part. |
Original Order Type |
This field displays either PO if the serial/lot originated from a purchase order, or MO if it originated from a manufacturing order. |
Original Order |
This field displays the number of the purchase order or manufacturing order from which the serial/lot originated. |
Original Order Release |
This field displays the release number of the purchase order from which the serial/lot originated. |
Original Order Line |
This field displays the line number of the purchase order from which the serial/lot originated. |
Manufacturer |
This column displays the manufacturer ID of the company that supplied the serial/lot. This field is hidden if you entered a manufacturer in the header section. |
Manufacturer Name |
This column displays the manufacturer name of the company that supplied the serial/lot. This field is hidden if you entered a manufacturer name in the header section. |
Manufacturer Part |
This column displays the manufacturer part number of the serial/lot. This field is hidden if you entered a manufacturer part number in the header section. |
Mfg Rev |
This column displays the manufacturer part revision number. This field is hidden if you entered a manufacturer part revision number in the header section. |
Vendor |
This column displays the vendor ID of the company that supplied the serial/lot. This field is hidden if you entered a Vendor in the header section. |
Vendor Name |
This column displays the vendor name of the company that supplied the serial/lot. This field is hidden if a vendor name is entered in the header section. |
Vendor Part |
This column displays the vendor part number of the tracked part. This field is hidden if you entered a vendor part number in the header section. |
Vend Rev |
This column displays the vendor part revision number. This field is hidden if you entered a vendor part revision number in the header section. |
Manuf/Vend Serial Number |
This column displays the external (manufacturer/vendor) serial number of the tracked part. This field is hidden if you entered a manufacturer/vendor serial number in the header section. |
Manuf/Vend Lot Number |
This column displays the external (manufacturer/vendor) lot number of the tracked part. This field is hidden if you entered a manufacturer/vendor lot number in the header section. |
Notes |
This field displays the notes related to the part. |
Serial/Lot User-Defined Fields 1 to 5 |
These fields display additional information required for the user-defined fields. The column titles are set up on the Manage Serial/Lot User-Defined Labels screen. |
Configuration |
This field displays the Bills of Material configuration ID used to build the tracked part. |
Routing |
This field displays a valid routing number for the item that was used when building this tracked part. |
Effective Date |
This field displays the Bills of Material as-of date that was used when building this tracked part. |
Vendor Warranty |
This field displays the code for the type of vendor warranty provided by the vendor. |
Vend Warranty Start Date |
This field displays the date when the vendor's warranty began for this tracked part. |
Customer Warranty |
This field displays the code for the type of warranty provided to the customer. |
Cust Warranty Start Date |
This field displays the date the customer's warranty begins for this tracked part. |
Cust Warranty Expiration Date |
This field displays the date the customer's warranty expires for this tracked part. |
Sales Order Tag |
This field displays the sales order tag number for this tracked part. |
Maintenance Purchased |
This field displays Y (Yes) if the customer purchased maintenance for this part or displays N (No) if not. |
Maintenance Sales Order |
This field displays the sales order number for the maintenance provided to the customer. |
Maintenance Release |
This field displays the sales order release for the maintenance provided to the customer. |
Maint SO Line |
This field displays the sales order line for the maintenance provided to the customer. |
Part |
This field displays the part number for the serial/lot row. |
Description |
This field displays the part description. |
U/M |
This field displays the inventory unit of measure of the part/revision for the selected serial/lot row. |
Make/Buy |
This field displays whether the part/revision for the serial/lot row is a manufactured (Make) or a purchased item (Buy). |
Invt Tran Type |
This field displays the transaction type from which the serial/lot originated. |
Original Warehouse |
This field displays the warehouse from which the serial/lot originated. |
Original Transaction |
This field displays the transaction ID from which the serial/lot originated. |
Original Trans Line |
This field displays the transaction line number from which the serial/lot originated. |
Original Trans Date |
This field displays the date of the transaction from which the serial/lot originated. |
Entry Date/Time |
This field displays the date and time when the serial/lot was created. |
Entry User |
This field displays the user ID of the person who entered the transaction from which the tracked part originated. |
This field displays the unique item identifier, if any, for this tracked part. UIDs are globally unique alphanumeric codes that allow the U.S. Department of Defense to track individual items. |
UID Type |
This field displays the code that represents the method used to create the UID. Costpoint generates UIDs for UID1 and UID2 types only. The UID types defined in Costpoint are:
Issuing Agency Code |
This field displays the code that identifies the agency that assigned the UID enterprise identifier. |
Enterprise Identifier |
This field displays the code that identifies the organization that is responsible for assigning the UID. |
Subtask | Description |
Inventory Locations | Click this link to open the Inventory Locations subtask to view the inventory location of a selected serial-tracked or lot-tracked part. |
Transaction History | Click this link to open the Transaction History subtask to view inventory transactions for a selected serial-tracked or lot-tracked part. |
Sales Order Issues | Click this link to open the Sales Order Issues subtask to view sales order issue information for the selected serial-tracked or lot-tracked part. |