Manage Currencies

Use the Manage Currencies screen to maintain information about your functional currency and the other currencies you use, including the number, date, and time formats related to those currencies.

Only one functional currency can be in effect at any given time. Since values entered into Costpoint remain constant, we highly recommend not selecting a different functional currency after initialization. However, you can change the currency features (informal names, placement of currency symbol, and so on) of your selected functional currency without affecting the representation of your financial statements.

You can use Costpoint without adjusting the Windows settings to match the settings on the Manage Currencies screen. However, in order to print uniform reports, we recommend that the currency format settings match the corresponding regional settings in Windows Control Panel.

Use the Manage Currencies screen during the initial Costpoint installation. When you change the settings for a currency, Costpoint will format numeric information based on the new settings. The settings do not take effect until the user performing the changes logs out of Costpoint and then logs back in.