Contents of the Manage Timesheet Periods Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Timesheet Periods screen.


Field Description
Timesheet Cycle Code

Enter this timesheet cycle code. You must assign one of these timesheet cycles to each active employee on the Manage Employee Information screen. You can establish an unlimited number of timesheet cycles.


Enter a description of this timesheet cycle for reports and other documents conducive to a longer description.


Field Description

From the drop-down list, select the frequency type of the timesheet cycle. Valid options are:

  • Monthly: Timesheet period ending at the end of the month
  • Semi-Monthly: Timesheet periods ending on the 15th and end of month
  • Weekly: One week in the timesheet period
  • Bi-Weekly: Two weeks in the timesheet period; 14 days
Default Auto-Adjust %

Enter the auto-adjustment percentage to be used as a default entry on the timesheet. Normally, this percentage is set to "100.00." However, if you enter only part of a pay period, enter the percentage that applies to the part you are entering. For example, if you enter half of a pay period, enter "50.00" for the percentage.


This percentage refers to the pay period rather than the timesheet period. Although the pay period is not established in Costpoint Labor, you must associate a pay period with each employee. For example, your timesheet period can be Weekly, but your pay period can be Bi-Weekly. The salary rate recorded on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen refers to the amount of pay in the pay period, not the timesheet period.

Because this percentage is offered only as a default, you can change or override it when entering the timesheet.

Week Starts on

From the drop-down list, select the day on which the work week starts. This will be used to determine the overtime hours for the week.

Add Timesheet Periods

Use this group box to automatically fill in the Timesheet Periods Details table. Enter values into the following two fields and click Add Periods to automatically fill in the Timesheet Periods Details table.

Field Description
Number of Periods

Enter the number of timesheet periods in this cycle. This number also designates the number of timesheet periods to automatically populate the Timesheet Periods Details table. For example, if you want to set up a timesheet cycle for recording timesheets on a weekly basis for a normal calendar year, enter "52" in this field. This field is required if you want to use Add Periods button to automatically populate the Timesheet Periods Details table.

First End Date

Enter, or click to select, the date to be used as the starting point for adding entries to the Timesheet Periods Details table.

After you select the Add Periods button, Costpoint calculates the dates in each timesheet cycle (period), based on the values in the Frequency and Number of Periods fields, and adds them to the Timesheet Periods Details table. If entries already exist in the table, the additional entries immediately follow the existing ones. Enter data in this field and click Add Periods to automatically populate the timesheet cycle schedule.

Last End Date

To populate this field, click the Add Periods button to calculate the last end date based on the values in the Number of Periods, First End Date, and Frequency fields. This date is the last timesheet period end date added to the timesheet cycle schedule.

Compute Last End Date

Click this button to calculate the last end date based on the values in the Number of Periods, First End Date, and Frequency fields. This date is the last timesheet period end date added to the timesheet cycle schedule.

Add Periods

Click this button to insert entries into the Timesheet Periods Details table. To use this feature, first fill in the Frequency, Number of Periods, and First End Date fields. After you select Add Periods, the rows are added following the previously existing end date in the table.


Subtask Description
Timesheet Periods Details Click this link to view start dates, end dates, open status, weighted average processed status, and auto-adjust rate for each timesheet period.