Create Recurring Accounts Payable Vouchers

Use this screen to create recurring vouchers for a specified period, after setting up template vouchers.

Costpoint creates recurring vouchers based on the recurring voucher code, user identification range, and template voucher number range that you specify. You can also specify a starting voucher number.

Costpoint creates the recurring vouchers in the subperiod specified if all of the following conditions are true:

  • The subperiod is selected for the recurring code.
  • The subperiod falls within the optional range specified on the voucher template.
  • The fiscal year, period, and subperiod combination is later than the last created fiscal year, period, and subperiod stored in the template

As each voucher is created, Costpoint updates the last created fiscal year, period, and subperiod fields on the voucher template to track the periods in which the vouchers were created. On the Details tab of the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen, Costpoint selects the Recurred Voucher check box for the newly created recurring vouchers; the template voucher number from which it was created displays in the Template field. You can edit recurring vouchers like normal vouchers on the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen.

Note: If you execute multicurrency transactions, recurring vouchers do not maintain currency information. Each recurring voucher is saved with a "zero" exchange rate. Enter the applicable exchange rates on the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen before posting your recurring vouchers. This will help you post and pay each period's voucher with a current exchange rate.