Match Country ISO2 Codes in Costpoint and GovWin Capture Management

When you transfer Customer or Vendor records to GovWin Capture Management from Costpoint, the integration process links the Country ISO2 Codes in both Costpoint and GovWin Capture Management systems.

The link is done through the Country ISO2 Code field, and not through the Country Code field, because Costpoint and GovWin Capture Management each use a different Country Code structure. Costpoint uses a 3-character country code while GovWin Capture Management uses a 2-character country code.

Before you run the integration, you need to make sure that Country ISO2 Code field on the Manage Countries screen in Costpoint matches the ISO2 Code field in GovWin Capture Management (Configuration » General » Code Tables » Country). Otherwise, the integration process will update the ISO2 Codes of existing records in GovWin Capture Management with blank values and, in addition, insert new records that have blank Country ISO2 Code columns.

If you run the integration with mismatched Country ISO2 Codes in Costpoint and GovWin Capture Management, you have to update the Country ISO2 Code manually on the Country table (COUNTRY) of Costpoint to match the Country ISO2 Code in the Country Code table (VEAddress) of GovWin Capture Management. Records with mismatched Country ISO2 codes will generate warning messages that will be included in the Integration Report.

Attention: For more details about warning and error messages in the Integration Report, please refer to Costpoint to GovWin Capture Management Integration Error Messages topic.