Use this tab to view information about the Request for Quote associated with a vendor quote.

RFQ Information

Use this group box to view information about the RFQ associated with the vendor quote.


This field displays the proposal referenced by the RFQ associated with the vendor quote.

Establish proposal records using the Manage Proposals screen in Costpoint Materials Estimating.


This field displays the revision number of the Proposal.

Combined Req Line Exist

This check box indicates that there are more than one record in the Combined Req Line Details subtask.

Quotes Required

This field displays the number of quotes required for the Procurement Type.

Procurement Type

This field displays the description of the procurement type code assigned to the Requisition.

Quote Required Date

This field displays the date by which the vendor's response should be received for the RFQ associated with the vendor quote.


This field displays the requisition ID assigned to the RFQ, if applicable, on the Manage Request for Quotes by Item and/or Manage Request for Quotes by Vendor screens.

Valid Through Date

This field displays the date through which the vendor's quote is valid when responding to the RFQ associated with the vendor quote.