Use this screen to establish control parameters and default information to customize your use of Costpoint Purchasing.

Set up this screen when Costpoint Purchasing is initialized, and maintain it whenever you modify the control parameters. Before initializing this screen, you must establish the following system codes in Costpoint Administration: Countries, States/Provinces, Postal Codes, and Sales Tax. Establish ship IDs in the Manage Branch Locations screen.


PO Status

Initial Status

As purchase orders are entered in Costpoint, an initial status is assigned to each purchase order line item. The system-defined initial status code for purchase orders can be either O for open or P for pending.


Select this option to indicate that purchase order items are immediately eligible for additional system processing, including receiving, quality inspection, and invoicing.


Select this option to indicate that purchase order items cannot be received or invoiced until the order passes through an approval process. You can perform the purchase order approval process in either the Approve Pending Purchase Orders screen or the Manage Purchase Orders screen, depending on whether or not you have selected the Allow Change to Open in Enter POs check box.

Allow Change to Open in  Manage POs

Select this check box to indicate that the purchase order status can be changed from Pending to Open on the Manage Purchase Orders screen. If you clear this check box, pending orders can be changed to Open only on the Approve Pending Purchase Orders screen.

Set to Pending If Over Buyer's Limit

Select this check box to force the initial purchase order status to Pending if the total PO value is over the buyer's authorized limit. A buyer's authorized spending limit is optionally established on the Manage Buyers screen and can be associated with purchase order line amounts and/or purchase order total amounts. If this check box is clear, purchase orders having amounts over the buyer's authorized limits cannot be saved.

Allow Change to Item Description on Voucher Lines

Select this check box to allow entry of different descriptions on voucher lines.

Allow pending lines in Open, Closed or System Closed POs

Select this check box to allow pending lines in purchase orders with a Status of Open, Closed, or System Closed.

Allow Changes to Quality Requirements on PO Line with Received Quantities

This check box defaults to selected to allow changes to QC Insp Reqd, Source Insp Reqd and Cert Conf Reqd on a PO line even when PO receipts exist and PO line quantity is greater than zero (0). Clear this check  box to disallow changes to quality-related fields on a purchase order (PO) line once receipt is saved and PO line receipt quantity is greater than zero. Any changes made to the quality-related fields apply only to subsequent new receipts.  Existing receipts will retain the value that was applicable at the time of the receipt.

Allow Change to PO line Original Due Date after acknowledgment

Select this check box to allow edits to the original due date on the PO line and delivery schedules even after the line has been accepted by the vendor. This defaults to selected for existing companies.

PO Numbering Method

Purchase Order (PO) ID numbers can be a maximum of 10 alphanumeric characters. The numbering method for purchase orders and blanket orders can be handled in several different ways. Purchase orders can be sequentially numbered by Costpoint, manually numbered by the buyer, or numbered by Costpoint based on pre-defined ranges of order numbers assigned to buyers. Additionally, you can combine a system-generated numbering method with a manual numbering method that permits PO ID numbers to be assigned out of the normal sequence. The purchase order ID number is assigned after everything required for the PO is entered. The Last System PO Number on this screen is updated at that time.

The three system-defined numbering methods are as follows:


If you select this option, Costpoint assigns the next sequential purchase order number.


If you select this option, you must enter the purchase order number before the purchase order can be saved.


If you select this option, Costpoint assigns the purchase order number from the range of numbers assigned to the buyer. Each buyer can be assigned an individual range of numbers.

Last System PO Number

If you select the System or Buyer option, enter the last purchase order number issued, up to 10 alphanumeric characters, before using the Costpoint system to generate new purchase order ID numbers. Costpoint increments the number of the last purchase order entered by one. If you are not currently using a purchasing system, the starting purchase order number can be zero. Purchase order numbers entered manually in the Manage Purchase Orders screen do not update this field.

To have purchase order numbers assigned sequentially, you must select a ceiling number not to exceed 10 digits. For example, if the highest number desired is 9999999999, enter zero as 0000000000; or if the highest number desired is PO-9999, and the last purchase order number used was PO-124, that number should be entered as PO-0124.

The Last System PO Number is always incremented from the right and only if the rightmost character is numeric (not alphabetic). For example: PO594123 becomes PO594124; POIDABCD9 becomes POIDABCD0; 9999999999 becomes 0000000000; PO9999999A is not incremented. Enough numeric characters should be assigned to the right to ensure that duplicates do not occur.

Other Settings

Buyer PAO Validation Code

Buyers are entered and optionally linked to, or associated with, account/organizations, projects, and vendors on the Manage Buyers screen. Subsequently, there are two methods of establishing how buyer validations to selected account/organizations and projects should function in purchase order entry.

Select the two system-defined buyer validations from the drop-down list. The values are:

Include Unreleased Blanket Amounts on Commitments

Select this check box to enable the Unreleased Blanket Line Amts check box on the Compute/Print Purchasing Commitments screen. This check box includes blanket balance amounts in the calculation of purchase commitments. The blanket balance amount is the total blanket amount less the cumulative extended cost of all purchase order releases against the blanket order.

If this check box is clear, the Unreleased Blanket Line Amts check box on the Compute/Print Purchasing Commitments screen is disabled. Purchase orders and blanket order releases are included in the commitment calculations.

Change Commitment Type to 'Amount' on adding line charge to 3-way match PO line

Select this check box to automatically set the Commitment Type to Amount when you add a new line charge to a purchase order line that uses a 3-way matching option.

Requisition Requirements

You can associate a purchase requisition number with each purchase order line item entered on the Manage Purchase Orders screen. The following system-defined selections determine what validations you require the requisition number to pass, if any.

Do Not Require Req No on PO Line

Select this option to indicate that a requisition number is not required for the purchase order line item. However, a requisition number can be entered for any or all of the line items. This is the default.

Require Req No to be Non-Blank on PO Line

Select this option to indicate that the Requisition field in the purchase order line cannot be left blank. Any combination of characters is accepted as a requisition number.

Require Valid Req No on PO Line

Select this option to indicate that you must enter a requisition number for each purchase order line item and the requisition number must pass validation by Costpoint. Costpoint verifies that the requisition number exists on the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen. Choose this selection only when all purchase orders entered in Costpoint are associated with existing requisitions in Costpoint or when purchase orders are system-generated from requisitions.


PO Defaults

Use the fields in this group box to place a default value in the Confirming PO check box on the Manage Purchase Orders screen, and to allow a Shipping ID to default on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

Confirming PO

Select this check box to provide a default value in the Confirming PO check box on the Manage Purchase Orders screen, if the majority of your purchase orders are placed verbally. You can override this default on the Manage Purchase Orders screen. When the purchase order is printed, the word "Confirmation" prints in the header of the purchase order and can be highlighted.

Leave this check box clear if most purchase orders are not confirming orders.

Ship ID

If you have an address to which procured items are delivered, enter, or click to select, a valid Ship ID. The ID you select becomes the default during purchase order entry on the Manage Purchase Orders screen. Override this default on the said screen and at each PO line item, as necessary. Valid ship IDs can be added to Costpoint and maintained in the Vendor table as well as on the Manage Branch Locations screen.

Leave this check box clear to suppress a default ship ID on the Manage Purchase Orders screen. The ship ID is required when the PO is entered unless it is an amount-only, two-way match PO.

Sales/VAT Tax Defaults

Use the fields in this group box to set the default values for the calculation of sales or Value Added Tax on purchase order line items.

Auto Calculate Sales/VAT Tax

Select this check box if you want Costpoint to calculate applicable sales or Value Added Tax for purchase order line items designated as taxable in the Manage Purchase Orders screen. Sales or VAT tax is individually calculated for each purchase order line item based on the item's shipping location and the corresponding tax rate. Leave this check box clear to prevent Costpoint from calculating sales or VAT tax for any line items. Only when all items purchased are non-taxable should this check box be left clear and tax calculations suppressed. If you clear this check box, tax is not calculated during purchase order entry regardless of the taxable status designated at the line level.

Default Taxable Status

There are three system-defined defaults that help determine a purchase order line item's tax status. The defaults established here display on the Manage Purchase Orders screen for each order and can be modified. The same defaults are then applied to every line item on the purchase order and you can override.

The system-defined selections follow:

Use Item Type Default

You can establish purchase order line items as parts, goods, or services, with certain default values and characteristics in Costpoint Product Definition. One of the default values that can be associated with an item is taxable status.

Select this option to indicate that the taxable status for each line item should be determined by default values assigned to the item on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen. This value defaults on the Manage Purchase Orders screen and can be modified .

All Items Taxable

Select this option to have all purchase order line items marked as taxable. Initially, this default displays on the Manage Purchase Orders screen and is subsequently provided as a default for line items on the order. You can override the taxable status on the said screen as well as for each line item.

All Items Non-Taxable

Select this option to indicate that all purchase order line items have a non-taxable status default. You can modify the default on the Manage Purchase Orders screen and on each applicable line item.

Change Order Default

The fields in this group box provide the default values used in the Create Purchase Order Change Orders screen.

Save Existing Change Order to History File

Select this check box if you want to save old change orders to a history file when creating a change order. If this check box is clear, old change orders are not saved when new change orders are created.

Allow Change Save Default

If you select this check box, you can modify the Save Existing Change Order to History File check box on the Create Purchase Order Change Orders screen. If this check box is clear, you cannot modify the Save Existing Change Order to History File while on the Create Purchase Order Change Orders screen.

Blanket PO Restrictions Defaults

Use the fields in this group box if you want restriction values for Blanket POs to default on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

Restrict Release Items to Items on Blanket

Select this check box to provide a default for the Restrict Release Items to Items on Blanket drop-down list on Manage Purchase Orders screen. Purchase order line items are classified as parts, goods, services, or miscellaneous items. Select this check box to indicate that line items entered on blanket order releases should be restricted to the same items entered on the original blanket order. Override this default value as necessary on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

Leave this check box clear to indicate that items on the release can be different from items on the original blanket order. Modify this default during purchase order entry.

Restrict Release Line Totals to Blanket Line Totals

Select this check box to provide a default for the Restrict Release Line Totals to Blanket Line Totals drop-down list on Manage Purchase Orders screen. Select this check box to indicate that the release line total amount cannot exceed the total amount of the corresponding line item on the original blanket order. The line total amount includes any applicable discounts and sales tax.

If this check box is clear, the release line total amount can exceed the total of the blanket line amount. Modify this check box as necessary; this serves as a default on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

Do Not Exceed Blanket Gross Unit Cost on Rlse Lines

Select this check box to provide a default for the Do Not Exceed Blanket Gross Unit Cost on Rel Line drop-down list on Manage Purchase Orders screen. Select this check box to indicate that the gross unit cost of an item entered on the release cannot exceed the gross unit cost of the same line item on the blanket order.

If this check box is clear, the gross unit cost on the release can exceed the gross unit cost entered on the blanket order for the same line item. Modify this check box, which serves as a default on the Manage Purchase Orders screen, as necessary.

Do Not Allow Rlse Amts to Exceed Total Blanket Amt

Select this check box to provide a default for the Do Not Allow Rel Amts to Exceed Total Blanket Amt drop-down list on Manage Purchase Orders screen. Select this check box to indicate that the cumulative amount of all release orders associated with the original blanket order cannot exceed the total amount of the original blanket order.

If this check box remains empty, the cumulative amount of all release orders can exceed the total amount of the original blanket order. Modify this check box, which serves as a default on the Manage Purchase Orders screen, for individual blanket orders as necessary.

Supplier Portal

Use this group box to enable sending of email alerts between the supplier and the buyer whenever there are action changes related to the POs in the supplier portal and allow editing of the email notification for other screens such as Manage Buyers and Manage Purchase Orders.

Email Notification

Select this check box to allow sending of email alerts between the supplier and the buyer whenever there are action changes related to the POs in the supplier portal.

Allow Edit

Select this check box to allow editing of the email notification on the Manage Buyers and Manage Purchase Orders screens.

These fields are visible only to users who are licensed for Supplier Portal.

Purchasing Vendor Lead Time Calculation

Use this group box to select a calendar option to use for vendor lead time calculations.

Standard Calendar

Select this check box if you want to use the standard calendar to calculate the purchasing vendor lead time.

Production Control Settings

Select this check box if you prefer to calculate the vendor lead time as specified on the PC settings.