Use this subtask to assign established standard text codes to the selected RFQ line. The standard text is printed at the line level of this RFQ. Click the Autoload button to load the text codes that are assigned to the item ID and project ID in the RFQ line. Assign standard text codes to items in the Assign Standard Text subtask of the Manage Parts screen in Product Definition. Assign standard text to projects in the Manage Standard Text screen in Project Setup.
Click to add a text code to the table window.
Use this field to enter a sequence number for this standard text code. This is the order in which the text is printed on the RFQ or internal reports.
Sequence numbers for defaulted standard text are assigned using the Where-Used subtask of the Manage Standard Text screen.
Use this drop-down list to specify the text source code to determine how the lookup function () displays for text codes. The available options are:
Item - Select this option to access the text codes of the requisitioned item.
Project - Select this option to access the text codes of the project associated with the RFQ line.
Use this field to enter, or click to select, a text code to associate with the selected RFQ.
Establish text codes for RFQs using the Where-Used subtask of the Manage Standard Text screen.
Enter, or use to select, the revision of the standard text code.
Enter, or use to select, a description of the text code. This field also displays the description of the selected Text Code field.
This field displays the document print option assigned to the selected text codes. The options are:
B - This indicates that the text prints on both internal reports and RFQs.
I - This indicates that the text prints on internal reports only.
E - This indicates that the text prints on RFQs only.
If selected, this check box indicates that the standard text code/revision combination is currently active.
Use this button to load any text codes associated with this item and project(s) that may have been added after the initial autoload.